Monday, August 30, 2021

More fighters from a divided land

Hi all,

As I mentioned in the last post, I've been doing a bit of painting for my ECW stuff.  First up were some command stands for my completed shot wings.  When I did these initially, I just had them as troops, with flags and command elements in the pike core.  I like flags, however and am always looking for an excuse to get them on the table, so decided to add some to the shot as well.


In the process, I also discovered that along with the large core of Old Glory figs, I also have some Perrys in the mix.  The latter are a scootch bigger, but not enough to interfere with mixing, even on the same base.


I also did up a unit of Dragoons for the covenanters.  I went back and forth on the possible basing options for these.  In Pikeman's Lament, there's no rules distinction between dragoons on foot or mounted.  Effectively, they're assumed to be mounted when moving, and afoot when shooting.  Pike and Shotte, on the other hand, does distinguish between the two "modes".  As I'm effectively building "towards" a P&S force, I thought about doing both mounted and dismounted versions, but I quite liked how the mixed basing looks, and in the end, opted for that (with the use of a marker if/when I get to a larger force.


I also did up a unit for the Royalists.  Both are made from the Warlord dragoon box, with hat swaps to distinguish them.  I rather enjoyed these figs; they're nice sculpts, and the abundance of gubbins on the saddle packs reminded me quite a bit of the old Bretonnian questing knights.




A while back, I also finished up some Royalist horse.  They were completed in time for my backyard game earlier in the summer, but as they'd not had a close-up yet, it seemed overdue.




I've now got a "complete" force of covenanters for P&S, and am a base of shot away from the same for the Royalists.  Once the latter are done, I think I'll treat myself to a heavy gun, before moving on with more troops for the covenanters.  



  1. Lovely painting Markus!
    Especially the horses so realistic!

  2. Really nice stuff, great basing as well.

  3. Flags are good! and these figures look great!

  4. Beautiful looking ECW troops, Markus!

  5. Splendid looking additions! I really like the dragoons, they're especially nice!
    Best Iain

  6. More of your beautiful English Civil War figures to feast our eyes on. Lovely.
    Regards, James

  7. Oops, forgot about those Perrys that were in there - inherited them from Good Duncan in Ottawa many moons ago. Looking awesome, and they die gloriously!
