Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas all,

We are well into Christmas mode here in Monkeyland.  Most of the baking is finished (I have one more batch to do tomorrow), shopping is done (except for a grocery run tomorrow),the tree and house are decorated, and I am slowly coming off the roof from work, and the accumulated insanity of the last year.

The aforementioned tree.  It's there, under all the decorations, somewhere.

Cub is at his mom's for the day, but I should be able to pick him up on Boxing day, plague permitting.  We're jowls-deep in an Omicron-driven case spike here, and restrictions are changing by the day, it seems, but fingers crossed all will be well.  We are all, knock wood, healthy, and have been pretty vigilent about doing what we can to reduce risk, so I'm hoping our plans will unfold as intended (more or less).

Got the gronkasaurus to hold still for a pic, but she remains unconvinced.

Hobby has slowed, what with the holiday business, but I'm hoping to carve out a little time over the next few days.  Until then, stay safe, enjoy your families, and I wish you all happieness, and the joy of the season.