Sunday, October 13, 2019

More Austrians

Hi all,

A bunch of things on the go this Thanksgiving weekend, including a visit from my Dad and sister to our new digs for Thanksgiving dinner.  First up are some more Austrians:

Battheyanai L, Forgach R

Forgach L, Batthayani R.

These are Hungarians, and are, I think, a later sculpt than the regular Austrian foot.  Don't know if I'm getting back into the swing of 6mm, or it's the sculpt, but I found these guys an easier paint.

Grosbruck L, Kolonrat R

And vice versa

I've done all of these battalions as the first of their regiment.  If I expand down the road, I can turn each of the two-regiment units into separate units of their own by painting up a second battalion base.

I've also been plugging away at the Russians for Blucher, and have also been experimenting with some 6mm armour for Rommel.  I had some test models for the latter done up on a 3d printer, and will set about painting them when I get the time and settle on basing.  Big issue there is space; Rommel scales its playing area nicely, but larger bases let me do some dioramic stuff I'd like to try.  Means gaming is a little more involved (as I'd have to rearrange the office to play a game), but what the heck.

In the mean time, Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians out there.  I have to go baste a turkey ;)



  1. Spectacular additions, wonderful job!

  2. Your 6mm Austrian battalions look super! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I'm beginning to wish you'd just stick to your French, your Austrians are really showing mine up. :P

  4. Lovely looking Austrians! The bases look great and the flags are excellent!
    Best Iain

  5. They look fab. Pondering 6mm Napoleonics myself now.

  6. Nice looking guys. Whole project will be shaping up shortly. 😀
    I didn’t know there was a Canadian thanksgiving holiday. Learned something new.

    1. Thanks, Stew. Yeah, we have i too, but ours is early enough we have time to recover before Christmas ;)
