Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Back to Russians. No, not those Russians.

Hello all,

Many, many (many) moons ago, I had a soviet force for Flames of War.  Due to a variety of circumstances, I ended up selling it.  While in Toronto, I then restarted soviets, but due to a variety of similar circumstances, ended up selling it.  Then I did them again, this time with a cossack theme.  But due to a variety of circumstances, I ended up selling most of it, and used the dismounts I'd done for a 15mm Bolt Action force.  I seem to have the same track record with Soviets that I do with orks - I build up a horde, and then for one reason or another, end up having to sell it off.

"Heroic" infantry, i.e., what's left after 3 days of fighting.

So, I figured, why not tempt fate, and try again?  As it turns out, I still have a pile of stray soviet infantry kicking around.  Not enough for a real Soviety infantry force, but more than enough to start one, and build out from a core, especially with the new "hero" battalion in 4th edition (which is smaller than the usual Soviet conscript horde).

A little rougher than my older stuff, but getting back in the swing of it.

The plan is to start with the Hero Motostrelkovy battalion, and if and when I paint them (plus whatever support elements I dig up), I can always expand.  Historically, that's been T-34s, KV-85s, and SU-152s, but maybe this time I'll try something different.  There's a number of fairly nice 15mm and 1:100 scale plastic kits out there worth looking into (I'm looking at you PSC).  In extra good news, one of my GW buddies also used to play the game, and I have hopes I've hooked him into getting back into it.  Plus, he's been working on another mutual friend to join us.  Fingers crossed!



  1. Good work! I hope you can hang onto and expand this project.

  2. Best of luck holding on to this one. Looking good so far.

  3. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same behavior and expecting different results...but hey! What is fate for if not to be tempted...

    I sold off all my WW2 Russians once.
    Once. 😀

    But the miniatures look nice. 😀

  4. Nice looking Soviets! I guess they should be as you've had plenty of practice! Good luck keeping them!
    Best Iain

  5. Sounds like a good plan. I hope your conscription plans work!

    1. You mean, my gathering of selfless volunteers for the revolutionary defense of the motherland, don't you?
